修士課程 地球変化と景観デザイン
Dublin, アイルランド島
1 Years
Sep 2025
EUR 29,100 / per year *
* EU 以外の場合| EU の場合、年間 10,300 ユーロ
この景観は、分散型再生可能エネルギー生産、対応する送電線、変電所、バッテリー パーク、バイオマス生産、パイプライン、輸送ルートなどを備えたグローバル インフラストラクチャ要素になります。これらすべてを慎重に検討して設計する必要があります。これが、魅力的で持続可能な将来の成長を保証する唯一の方法です。
アイルランドは、欧州連合 (EU) 内で英語を第一言語とする唯一の国であり、UCD のランドスケープ アーキテクチャの学位は、ランドスケープ アーキテクトの称号を取得できるアイルランドで唯一の学位です。グローバル チェンジ ランドスケープ デザインの修士課程では、第 3 学期に組み込まれたプログラム コンポーネントとして専門的な経験が提供され、卒業後のキャリアへのユニークな道が開かれます。
Course Content & Structure
- 90 credits taught masters
- 60 credits of taught modules
- 30 credits internship
Stage 1 Core Modules
- Geodesign for Urban Futures
- Research-By-Design Studio A
- Water, Soil & Vegetation
- Landscape Research
- Fieldwork
- Research-By-Design Studio B
- Internship (Work Placement)
Stage 1 Options - A Min 2 of:
All Students MUST select 10 credits of Option Modules, one in Autumn and one in Spring, and between Core and Option modules register for a balanced workload of 30 credits per Trimester. Access to individual Option Modules may be dependent on prior learning and should be agreed upon with the relevant Module Coordinator and the Programme Director.
- Architecture in a Climate Emergency
- Climate Carbon Cities Change
- Carbon & Sustainability
- Urban Resilience and Ethics
- European Environmental Policy
- Advanced Skills in the principles of landscape architecture including dedication, vision, and passion for design and our environment.
- Future Orientated and alive to the careful balance needed for current and future resources and energy responsibility with complex knowledge of the rich ecology of sites and how to phase interventions towards these.
- Practiced in research methods, design methods, and mastery of communication in a range of visual, verbal, written, and digital modes.
- Create leaders who are conscious of climatic and social challenges, with in-depth knowledge of processes with an ethical outlook, knowing when to intervene and when not to.
- Spatially trained with a well-considered appreciation of the cultural & historical, environmental & specific context, to design appropriate solutions and delightful spaces.
- Collaborative and committed to participative planning with end users and the need for lifelong curiosity and professional growth in practice.
- Adopt a theoretical framework and critical approach to data to synthesize divergent demands in a changing context and draw conclusions to generate creative proposals.
- Curious, efficient, and reliable in delivering to program and budget, advanced knowledge of digital systems, and aware of the complexities of material selection and reuse.